You Will Never Be Ready
Elisabeth (Lis) Thomas is the founder and owner of Entreprenista Mama, a blog for women, and about women. Her blog is loving, authentic, and honest. Lis owns Summary Content Marketing, working with businesses of all shapes and sizes to help them to increase online brand awareness, create digital marketing strategies, and build lasting relationships with target audience groups online.
She is also my friend.
I connected with Lis when Jenine and I were in the startup phase of outlining our vision of bringing to light the real story behind people's success stories. Lis and I spent a portion of our time conversing about our children, the community situation (Lis lives in Bend, Oregon. I live in Fargo, North Dakota), and our current work situation with what is the landscape of Covid-19.
Along with a good old fashion connect that filled my heart, Lis generously provided advice, resources, and tips to help us on this journey. We ended our conversation with Lis boldly stating, "Don't start when you are ready. You will never be ready."
Also known as the official call to just start.
I am not a content marketing strategist. I also work a full time job along with managing home-life responsibilities. However, I am passionate about bringing to light the grit behind one's journey. That’s why we launched a podcast to do just that! I am ready for some real conversations over a glass of wine (or two) with business owners, leaders, advocates, visionaries, and those who are lifting up our community in their own beautiful way. And I look forward to shattering the perception of what success looks like and what it takes to get there.
Because too often we feel not good enough. Not worthy enough. Not (insert your word) enough.
And that's not okay. We can do better for ourselves and each other.
We are good enough. We are smart enough. We are worthy.
Our journeys may not be linear and what we thought they would be like, but that doesn't mean we’re not where we are supposed to be.
There is the grit and tenacity behind the scenes to share and to let us know that our journeys are rarely what they seem. We hope by sharing amazing stories you will be encouraged to stay strong in your journey in life and in business.
Thank you for your grace and coming alongside us in our journey. Glaze and Grit the podcast will be messy and by no means perfect. And that's okay! One's journey rarely is and that includes ours.
What’s Next? I would love for you to come alongside me in this journey. Please reach out if you know of an incredible and talented community member whose story needs to be shared. Being a supporter of local businesses and nonprofits, if you are interested in partnering or advertising with Glaze and Grit, please reach out to