My Rainbow Baby


Rainbows always make me think of God’s goodness and my babies. This rainbow was on full display this morning and brought me back through all the daily hustle and minutiae of what’s truly important in my life.

Three years ago, I was early in my second pregnancy and started experiencing signs of miscarriage. I remember my dear friend Marcy telling me to leave work and get checked out. As I walked out of work, I saw a beautiful, full rainbow in all its glory and immediately knew my baby was gone. I remember asking God to give me strength to get through whatever may come ahead as He always promises to do. After a silent ultrasound, It was confirmed my second baby was gone.

Today, my 18-month-old ball of energy Crew is my rainbow baby. God got me through that painful season and blessed me with a baby boy.

I share because so many women miscarry and grieve the loss of their baby and their future. So often we don’t talk about it, which is okay too. It’s hard and personal. But this morning His rainbow was a reminder for me to stop and truly appreciate this beautiful life we are privileged to be on.

~ Jessi


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